The cause, Symptoms And Ways Of Treatment Of Lung Cancer

Lung cancer, like all cancers in generally, is the result of an abnormality cell's most basic unit of life. Usually the body maintains the system of checks and balances on cell growth, so that cells divide to produce new cells are needed. Disruption of the balance system of uncontrolled cell growth and eventually form a mass called a tumor.

Tumors can be benign or malignant, and malignant tumor is called cancer. Benign tumors can usually be removed and not spread to other body parts. But malignant tumors grow aggressively and attacking other body tissues, so that the tumor cells into the bloodstream or lymphatic system and then to the inside of the body. Distribution process is called metastasis.

Because the lung cancer tends to spread or metastasize, it is life-threatening to someone who is suffering. Lung cancer can spread to every organ in the body, especially the adrenal glands, liver, brain, and bone. This cancer is also one of the most difficult cancers to be treated. The lungs are also the organ most frequently affected by tumors in other body parts.

The reason
The main cause of lung cancer is smoking well as active smokers or passive smokers. While other causes contamination of the surrounding air by the substance of asbestos, air pollution by fumes or combustion including tobacco smoke.

Cancer does not show any symptoms are visible from the outside if cell growth is not worse. As many as 25% of patients with lung cancer, known symptoms after their routine chest X ray or CT scan. If proven to have lung cancer, then it will seem like a small circle of coins.

Symptoms that related with this type of cancer among other respiratory disorders that cause symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, and coughing up blood.

If the cancer has invaded nerves, for example, can cause shoulder pain that moves on the outside of the arm (Pancoast syndrome) or the vocal cords paralysis causes hoarseness. Invasion of the esophagus can causing difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). If breathing is hampered, leading to infection (abscesses, pneumonia) in the area hampered.

Treatment for lung cancer can involve surgical removal of cancer, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, as well as combinations of these treatments. Decisions about treatment will be eligible for certain individuals must take into account the localization and extent of the tumor and the patient's overall health status.

Such as other cancers, maybe determined revocation or cancer therapy or palliative measures cannot cure cancer, but can reduce the pain and suffering from the patients.
ReadmoreThe cause, Symptoms And Ways Of Treatment Of Lung Cancer

How Old Age Of Your Heart?

Did you know that the actual heart age and age your heart today is not same. Heart age could actual older or younger than the age the real man. There are five things that make the heart could be older than actual age.

Dr. Nathaniel Reichek a cardiologist said that heart age could be younger or older than actual age depends on your lifestyle.

Heart disease is one of the most deadly diseases and WHO recorded 12.5 million of the estimated 32 million heart attacks that happened worldwide.

Dr. Nathaniel said there are five factors that make heart age older than your actual age.

1. High Cholesterol

Habit of eating foods high in cholesterol will be made disturbed heart function. High cholesterol will make high blood pressure. In fact, pulse rate, levels of total fat, cholesterol and triglycerides were the pressure be high. High cholesterol in the body would be added 5-10 years of age heart be older than actual age of your heart.

2. Overweight Body 
Overweight body which have entered the category of obesity, will make the work of the heart to be more heavy. Obesity is a signifies where the fatty liver which causes cholesterol levels is difficult to control. 

3. Smoke
Smoking is something very fast heart damage. The molecules of toxins in cigarettes, can bind the blood around it, thus causing a risk of blood clots causing heart attacks. Habit of smoking can make your heart grow 20 years older than your of age.
4. Drinking alcohol
Alcohol can increase the blood pressure so that the work of the heart increases. When the body is had alcohol poisoning that happened was alcohol pressing the nerves which control the body such as nerves of the heart, lungs and brain will stop the functioning. Drinking alcohol every day would be made heart grow older of age 10-20 years from your of age.

5. Stress
When people had stressed, the hypothalamus in the brain would trigger stress hormones, either adrenaline as well as non-adrenaline, which then would lead increased the heart rate, increased blood pressure which resulted in injured to the artery wall and formation of clots in blood vessels, and atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries). Stress makes the pressure on heart also increases and stress will make the heart of age 15-20 years older than your of age.

Healthy Living

Avoiding bad habits of five from the above is a way to keep the heart stays the same of age or younger than your of age. Be sure to reduce salt, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables as well as an active move to make the heart stay young.

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